How it works

We provide a quick and easy way for you to sell the textbooks you no longer want or need. Our extensive database of over 3 million titles enables us to purchase texts that other buyers can’t, including older editions, instructor editions and annotated review copies.

Get a quote

Send us your list of ISBN numbers from the books you are wanting to sell, and we will give you a quote for each book we can buy. We will then email you a prepaid shipping label based on how many boxes you have to ship. Once your shipment has been processed by our office staff we will issue your payment as well as provide you with a detailed receipt. This process typically takes between 2-5 business days.

Schedule an appointment

We have a team of buyers that span the country and are ready to serve you! It's often easier to have a buyer come to your office and scan your books. This way buyers can identify books you may not be aware still have value and then allow you to decide which books to keep and which books to sell. Buyers will then pay cash for those books you choose to sell.

Send us your contact info and we will set up an appointment with a buyer ASAP!

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